IPM Power Plant
A power plant with a production capacity of 451 MW located in the Beer Tuvia industrial area.
The facilty, one of the most advanced in Israel, operates under unique regulation with a production license for 20 years, using combined-cycle energy, based on natural gas. The cost of its construction amounted to about NIS 2 billion.
read more about IPM Power PlantRead moreRamat Hovav Power Plant
Thanks to a production capacity of about 1,200 megawatts (11% of the Israel Electric Corporation's production capacity, before that sale), the Ramat Hovav power plant is one of the largest facilities in Israel that operates with natural gas. The area adjacent to the station allows for future expansion and additional production capacity, which provides for additional betterment potential.
read more about Ramat Hovav Power PlantRead moreHagit Power Plant
Hagit (East) power plant sold as part of an Israeli Government’s reform to privatize 5 power plants, originally operated by IEC. Hagit is located in northern Israel, and can generate 660 MW of power. Its existing infrastructure is an intersection of electricity, gas and diesel, enables easy and convenient transportation to and from it.
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